When to Go for Counseling?
It’s always better to look for the signs and symptoms of depression. Almost all the time, people don’t even realize that they haven’t been themselves.

Besides, if the signs/symptoms are known from the start, it will be easier to explain to your counselor.

So, you need to look out for these symptoms that we are about to show you. Remember, if these symptoms have started to create a conflict with your daily tasks, it’s time to go for counseling-

You need to see whether you feel sad, empty, and lonely daily on different tasks.
Important events and important people don’t make you excited and happy anymore.
You question your worth and you feel hopeless often.
You remain tired to do even the simplest of tasks and have way less energy than before.
You stay awake the entire night and it’s tough for you to wake early the next day.
You feel a loss in your appetite and you’ve lost/gained weight without any change of diet.
You don’t feel focused to do any task.
It’s tough for you to make rational decisions about any task.
You have thoughts of suicide.
You have mixed/jumpy feelings about the littlest of things.
While these signs could be normal to experience on some days of the month. But, if you’ve been experiencing all of these signs and symptoms for months now, it’s time to get help