Tips for positive parenting for parents

কখন বুঝবেন আপনি মানসিকভাবে বিপর্যস্ত

কখন বুঝবেন আপনি মানসিকভাবে বিপর্যস্ত এবং আপনার কাউন্সিলিং প্রয়োজন! মানসিক রোগের লক্ষণ হতে পারে: • হঠাৎ হঠাৎ করে বেশি উত্তেজিত হয়ে ওঠা• অনেকদিন ধরে নিজেকে সবার কাছ থেকে সরিয়ে গুটিয়ে রাখা• টানা দুই সপ্তাহের বেশি সময় ধরে মন খারাপ থাকা• অন্যদের সঙ্গে একেবারে কথা বলতে না চাওয়া• সবার সাথে ঝগড়া করা• গায়েবি আওয়াজ বা কথা …

When to Go for Counseling

When to Go for Counseling?

When to Go for Counseling?It’s always better to look for the signs and symptoms of depression. Almost all the time, people don’t even realize that they haven’t been themselves. Besides, if the signs/symptoms are known from the start, it will be easier to explain to your counselor. So, you need to look out for these …

a psychologist

A psychologist

A person who studies and applies psychological intervention in treating mental health problems is called a psychologist. A psychologist is a professional who practices psychology and studies mental states, perception, cognition, emotion, social processes, and behavior. Psychologists’ work often involves observation, experimentation, interpretation, and prediction of human behavior in different situations. Psychologists usually acquire a …

depression counselling service is important

Depression counseling is important

Depression counseling is important. Mainly because the counseling helps to identify the factors contributing to the depression. The ones who have been suffering from depression for some time now (a few weeks) will get benefits from counseling. But, let’s look at what sort of other benefits you’ll get from the counseling- It helps in learning …

text explaining a counsellor

A counselor

A counselor on all subjects can help you ~ Counseling by professional psychologists/counselors can have a profound positive impact on one’s “personal life”, “family life”, and “career life”. Counseling helps people deal with difficult situations in life (eg: family/marital conflict, divorce, death of a loved one, work stress, anxiety and job loss, etc.). ~ In …

where to get help in Dhaka City

Before we show you where to get help in Dhaka City

Before we show you where to get help in Dhaka City, let’s clear the air. Yes, counseling helps out with depression. But, firstly, you need to know the type of depression because the counseling will vary on it. But, the great news is that depression can be treated. Almost 85-90% of people respond well to …

your disorders dont defiine you

Our Key Services

👉 Your Mental Health and wellbeing is our first priority…so it’s time to take care of your Mental Health from the best Psychiatrists & Psychologists of the town. We are ensuring comprehensive treatment, cost effective & evidence based holistic care. Our Key Services are: 1. Psychiatric Consultation2. Psychotherapy & Counselling3. Mental Health Assessment You can …