Mental Health Wellness Check by Yourself – 5 Effective Tips!

Your feeling checklist for Mental Health Wellness Check

Every day, we tend to do a lot of things to keep our physical health in check. We do portion control, apply sunscreen, take proper vitamins, weigh ourselves, and keep track of our daily step count on our digital watch. But, when was the last time you asked yourself, “How am I doing?” A lot of us are unaware of the fact that our physical health is heavily influenced by our mental wellness and it is just as important. Therefore, it is crucial to include regular Mental Health Wellness Check in our self-care routine.

Whenever the topic of mental health arises our mind immediately leans toward therapy, counseling, etc. Although professional counselling & mental health expert help is preferred in most cases, there are a few things you can do by yourself to check up on your mental health on a regular basis. Here are 5 things you can do daily to keep your mental health in check:

  1. Ask yourself the right questions – It is important for you to ask yourself the right questions to have a proper idea about your mental health. You can start by asking these questions: 
  • How am I feeling today? 
  • What’s my energy level? Do I feel well-rested?
  • Do I find pleasure in things that I normally do?
  • How am I functioning at work/school? In social relationships? Within my family?
  • Has my mood changed over the last six months to a year? If yes, how?

Once we ask ourselves these questions, we will find the reason behind our stress, anxiety, and joy. From there we can establish the things we need to work on in order to keep our mental health in check. 

  1. Working on things that place a negative impact on my mental health – 

Once we find out what’s bothering us, we can start working on it. In most cases, we do need professional help from a counselor or a therapist but it is important to work on these issues ourselves by doing the positive things that you like, 

  1. Ensure your basic needs – ‘A healthy body is a healthy mind’ is one of the most common sayings out there. Try taking some time out for exercising. This will help you reduce stress and keep your mind fresh. It is also important to establish a healthy sleep schedule that compliments your daily life. Lastly, drink lots of water. 
  1. What makes me happy? – In today’s fast-paced world, most of us barely get to make time for ourselves. To most of us, happiness is a ‘long sleep’ we get to have at the end of a tiring week. But, this isn’t healthy at all. Out of the 24 hours in a day, you should always make time for things that bring you joy. Remember, the smallest of joys can make your day. Try to find out what makes you happy. 
  1. Learn to be true to yourself – 

All of the above things will be null if you aren’t true to yourself and your feelings. Make sure you listen and communicate the feelings that you are going through with yourself first. This will help you get a proper understanding of yourself and help you make positive decisions regarding your mental health. 

All these steps will help you learn about your mental health on your own. Asking the right questions to yourself should always be the first priority. Once you have a clear idea about your mental health, you will know where to go from there. You can always seek out professional medical help if that’s what you need. ‘Chum Wellness’ can be a leading example when it comes to providing professional mental health services in Bangladesh. Lastly, it is important to keep in mind that sometimes it’s okay to ask for help.