Tips for positive parenting for parents

Tips for positive parenting for parents:

Screen addiction is one of the problems of children these days.
Research shows mobile phones are more harmful than television. So what will you watch on TV except mobile phone!! You can control that.

☑️ Try to give quality time to the child. Play with him during this time so he spends more time with you off the screen.

✅ Definitely do not do any kind of mental (comparing, nagging, negative talking) and physical abuse to the child.

☑️ Let the child express his emotions.
🔅 why feel upset listen!
🔅 Listen to why you feel happy!
🔅 why feel angry!

✅ Control all your negative emotions including anger, depression, tension.
If you can’t do it yourself, get psychological treatment.

☑️ Always be friendly with the child.